金属探知機 Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Coil and Premium Accessories


¥278891 ¥223113 (税込) 送料込み


金属探知機 Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Coil and Premium Accessories

This package includes Garrett 8.5" x 11" Search Coil Cover, Garrett Edge Digger, ClearSound Headphones, Garrett AT Pro-Pointer, Garrett ACE Environmental Cover Up, Garrett Carry Bag and a Camo Finds PouchNew Iron Audio allows user to hear discriminated iron targets and to alter the mid-tone signal range New Digital Target ID with a 0 to 99 scale offers target informationNew higher frequency (10 kHz) provides better sensitivity on low and medium-conductivity targets (i.e. gold, lead) New Adjustable Frequency to help eliminate interference New Camlocks for better stem stabilityNew Includes Pulse-Width Modulation audio for sharper, more responsive audio Enhanced Iron Resolution gives twice the iron resolution of an ACE 250, to help separate good targets from adjacent junk iron Includes Electronic Pinpointing to precisely locate targets and speed recoveryNotch Discrimination modifies discrimination patterns based on what you are seeking Five Search Modes (plus Pinpoint) Eight (8) Sensitiv


  • カテゴリー
    1. 業務、産業用
    2. 研究、開発用
  • ブランド金属探知機
  • 商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし
  • 配送料の負担送料込み(出品者負担)
  • 配送の方法らくらくメルカリ便
  • 発送元の地域神奈川県
  • 発送までの日数1~2日で発送








コメント (10)





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金属探知機 Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Coil and Premium Accessories

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Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with ClearSound Headphones, Pouch, and Carry Bag並行輸入 通販

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5☆好評 Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Coil and Premium Accessories

5☆好評 Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Coil and Premium  Accessories

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Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with ClearSound Headphones, Pouch, and Carry Bag並行輸入 通販

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with ClearSound Headphones, Pouch, and Carry  Bag並行輸入 通販

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with ClearSound Headphones, Pouch, and Carry Bag並行輸入 通販

5☆好評 Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Coil and Premium  Accessories

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Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with ClearSound Headphones, Pouch, and Carry Bag並行輸入 通販

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最高品質の HAPPYセレクトショップGarrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Search Coil and Pro-Pointer AT

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with ClearSound Headphones, Pouch, and Carry  Bag並行輸入 通販

Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with ClearSound Headphones, Pouch, and Carry Bag並行輸入 通販


ホーム > 金属探知機 Garrett ACE 400 Metal Detector with DD Waterproof Coil and Premium Accessories